LimeAde & 3 Simple Fruit Cocktails


October 9, 2021

The classic alternative to lemonade is my ultimate refreshing drink. It’s very easy to make and use can use it as a base for some simple and tasty cocktails.

Are you a visual learner? Scroll to the end to watch my YouTube video on making this!

Step 1:

  • 1 1/2 cups Fresh or Bottled Lime Juice

Juice the limes and set aside.

Step 2:

1 cup Hot Water

1 cup + 1 TB Sugar or Sugar Substitute (I use sucralose)

1/4 tsp Kosher Salt

Mix the hot water with salt and sugar/sugar substitute until fully dissolved.

Step 3:

5 cups Cold Water

In a large capacity bottle or pitcher, mix the juice, dissolved water from Step 2, and the cold water.

Store and cool in refrigerator until ready for use.

LimeAde is refreshing and thirst-quenching in its own right. However, you can use it to add a little citrus punch to some simple cocktails. Your imagination is your only limit, but here are three simple cocktails to get you started.

Naked Margarita

This cocktail doesn’t use an orange liqueur, but rather relies on all fresh ingredients. I actually prefer it this way. If you prefer the drink to be more tart, simply omit the orange juice and fill with LimeAde.

  • 1 shot Tequila (approx 80ml or 1/3 cup, change according to taste)

  • 1/2 Orange, freshly squeezed

  • LimeAde

  • Kosher Salt

Build your drink in a 12 oz highball glass.

Mix tequila and orange juice. Add ice. Fill remainder with limeade.

Pour into mixing tin. Salt the rim of your glass. Cover tin and shake vigorously. Pour into glass. Don’t sweat it if you don’t have a mixing tin. Just stir with a spoon.

Ginger-Lime Cocktail

This is a nice, zesty drink. Add more ginger if you want to really give it zip.

  • 1 shot Gin or Vodka (approx 80ml or 1/3 cup, change according to taste)

  • 2 tsp Freshly Grated Ginger

  • LimeAde

Build your drink in a 12 oz highball glass.

Using a microplane grater, grate about 2 teaspoons of fresh ginger root. Place into the mixing tin.

Fill empty highball glass with ice. Add gin/vodka and then fill remainder with limeade.

Pour into mixing tin. Cover tin and shake vigorously. Pour into glass. Don’t sweat it if you don’t have a mixing tin. Just stir with a spoon.

Pineapple-LimeAde Cocktail

This is a quick and easy drink, intended for the guest that enjoys a slightly sweeter drink.

  • 1 shot Gin/Vodka/Tequila (approx 80ml or 1/3 cup, change according to taste)

  • Pineapple Juice

  • LimeAde

Build your drink in a 12 oz highball glass.

Fill glass with ice. Pour in gin/vodka/tequila. Fill the remainder with half pineapple juice and limeade. Stir.


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