Cilantro-Lime Rice


October 3, 2021

A classic a simple side dish that is so versatile across cuisines. It’s easy and always a crowd pleaser. The very fresh flavors of lime and cilantro are a nice complement to heavier dishes. Feel free to multiply this recipe depending on the number in your group!

Are you a visual learner? Scroll to the end to watch my YouTube video on making Cilantro Lime Rice!

Step 1:

  • 1 cup Rice (Basmati rice recommended)

Thoroughly rinse the rice in water. Drain.

Step 2:

  • ¾ tsp. Salt

  • 1 ½ TB Melted Coconut Oil/Butter/Canola Oil * (see Note 1)

  • 1 ½ cup Water (you may use chicken/vegetable stock if you don’t mind a slight off-color)

Mix all ingredients together in rice cooker or Instant Pot.

Set rice to cook.

Step 3:

Let rice cool to room temperature, otherwise the cilantro will turn off-color and lost freshness. You can speed up the process by spreading the rice on a baking sheet and putting it in your refrigerator.

Step 4:

  • Juice of 2 Limes (more to taste if you desire)

  • 1 cup Finely Chopped Cilantro * (see Note 2)

  • Optional: Wash & zest your limes using a microplane grater for an added citrus boost.

Thoroughly mix the lime juice, cilantro, & (optional) zest into the cooked rice.

Preparation Notes:

#1: If you are looking more for a “restaurant version” of this dish, you will need to multiply this amount two to three times. Don’t shoot the messenger. I also do not recommend using extra virgin olive oil as it competes with the flavors of the cilantro and lime.

#2: I have no problems with the stems and find that it adds a really nice added crunchy texture. If this is not your desire, then cut the stems off.


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