Beer Bread Pizza Dough

June 28, 2022

This beer bread pizza dough recipe is fast, easy, and delicious. This recipe uses no yeast and will help you produce a scratch made, tasty pizza in about 1 hour!

Are you a visual learner? Scroll to the end to watch my YouTube video on making beer bread pizza dough!


Take a pizza steel, pizza stone, or a cast-iron pizza pan and place in oven. Pre-heat your oven to 550 degrees (some domestic models only reach 500). Just get it as hot as you can get it. Allow the cooking surface to absorb the heat for about 1 hour. It will be ready by the time your pizza dough is made and your toppings are prepped. If you don’t have a steel/stone/cast-iron, I cannot guarantee results of the crust and cooking times. If like pizza, I would consider it an affordable investment considering the price of quality restaurant pizzas.


  • 465g Bread Flour or All Purpose Flour (~approx. 3 cups)

  • 1 1/4 tsp Kosher Salt

  • 1 tsp Baking Powder

In a large mixing bowl, mix together the dry ingredients.

Step 3: ADD BEER

  • 12 ounce can/bottle of Beer

Add beer to the dry mix and start mixing, initially with a spatula and then by hand. Once your dough is ready, keep in bowl and cover the bowl with a kitchen towel. Allow it to rest for at least 20 minutes. This allows the gluten bonds to develop. Note: be careful with the hoppiness of your beer. This is a personal preference so let your audience be your guide!


Take the dough out of the bowl. Take the flat, bottom side of the dough and it on the floured surface (counter or large cutting board). Make sure top side of dough is also lightly floured.

Use your fingertips to press down around the dough, about 1/2 to 1 inch in from the edge. The area of the dough between the fingertip dents and the edge will be the thicker rim around the pizza when baked.

Place your floured hands under the dough and allow gravity to help. By placing your hands underneath and lifting up, you’ll start stretching the dough. I demonstrate this on the video at the bottom of this post.


Flour the top of a pizza peel and place dough on the peel. You will have a very short time before the dough starts sticking to the peel. Quickly add the sauce, cheese, and toppings of your choice. While you’re doing this, periodically shake the peel a little to keep the dough from sticking. This is a skill to be learned and do not be upset if the first time with a peel does not go well.

Step 6: BAKE & TURN

Place the pizza on the cooking surface in the oven.

About halfway through cooking, use your peel to turn the pizza 180 degrees. This insures a more even cooking for the entire pie.

After cooking to your preferred level of doneness, take it out. It’s Pizza Time! A nice cold beer pairs well with this!


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