Non-Dairy Beef Stroganoff

January 22, 2023

Beef Stroganoff is a crowd-pleasing classic! However, those who are lactose intolerant have a hard time enjoying it. My version uses no dairy at all while providing all the rich, comforting flavors.

Step 1:

  • 2 TB Canola Oil (or your preference)

  • 1 ½ lbs. Large Chunked Beef (I used top sirloin, but use your favorite available cut. See note).

Heat the pot, then add oil. When oil is hot, add half of the beef and cook until seared brown. Remove the cooked beef from the pot into a bowl and place to the side. Repeat this step for the remaining uncooked beef.

Step 2:

  • 2 TB Canola Oil (or your preference)

  • 1 cup Sliced Onion

  • 12 oz. Sliced (or cut into chunks, if preferred) Mushrooms, stems removed

Add oil. When oil is hot, add onions and sauté until soft. Next, add mushrooms and sauté until soft.

Step 3:

  • 1 can (13.5 oz.) Coconut Milk

  • 1 ½ lbs. Large Chunked Beef from Step 1

First, deglaze the pot by adding the coconut milk and scraping the pot while stirring. Next, return the cooked beef to the pot and simmer.

Step 4:

  • 1 tsp Black Pepper

  • 1 tsp Granulated Garlic (or 4 minced Garlic Cloves added to Step 3)

  • 2 tsp Salt

  • 2 TB Worcestershire Sauce

Add ingredients and stir.

Step 5:

  • 1 TB Dijon Mustard

  • ¼ cup Minced Garlic

  • 1 ½ tsp White Vinegar

Stir in ingredients and continue simmering until beef is soft.

Step 6:

  • Chopped Fresh Herb (I prefer Italian parsley)

Serve over egg noodle pasta, rice, or chopped vegetables (as a keto-option).

Check salt level and add if needed.

NOTE: If you are using a tougher cut of meat (like chuck roast, shank, etc), reduce heat to LOW and simmer for a longer time to yield tenderness.


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